
The purpose of this website is to let you know a little bit about the Welsh Border Vintage Club and the range of activities we have planned, whether you are a visitor to North Wales or a resident.

The Club was formed in 1990 and caters for all types of enthusiast – those owning or interested in cars, tractors, stationary engines, motor cycles, farm implements and machinery, household items etc – in fact the list is endless.

The Club holds most of its meetings in the Golden Pheasant Hotel Llwynmawr, as this is fairly central from a travel point of view. There is at least one gathering or event held each month and there are outings and visits to places of interest during the summer months.

I hope you enjoy your time here and find some interesting things. To enquire about joining or just to discuss anything vintage - email us

Phantom Bantam lunatic spotted in Glyn Valley

Four members of the club whilst riding from the Hand, Llanarmon last weekend witnessed a somewhat disturbing display of lunacy on the road between Llanarmon and Dolywern.

Three of the riders happened to be mounted on relatively modern trail bikes and one on an elderly Triumph Daytona from the late 60’s.

The group encountered ‘the Phantom’ between Llanarmon and Tregeiriog. The rider was dressed in shorts and tee-shirt complemented by a ‘jet’ helmet and Lennon style mirror shades. Reports that a cape or cloak was worn have yet to be confirmed. The machine appeared to be a late fifties 150 Bantam in a condition consistent with being found under a hedge (witness’ describe the rider as possibly coming from beneath the same hedge).

Following a glance over his (its?) shoulder the Phantom opened up to full throttle and the riders following claim speeds of between 49 and 51 mph were maintained en-route to Tregieriog.

Discretion being the better part of valour two of our hero’s, recognising the Phantoms resolve held back, while the remaining duo gave chase!

These stout fellows caught the Phantom on the Cemetery bank and passed it confident in the knowledge that their machines, superior in every respect to a 150 Bantam would not be troubled again on their journey to the Golden Pheasant.

Alas! This was not to be.

Just outside Glyn Ceiriog our hapless heroes encountered one of the biggest curses of Welsh country roads – The Sunday driver!!!! This particular menace fully occupied both sides of the road and reduced their speed to about 20 mph. This allowed the Phantom to gain ground and catch up with its prey about 50 yards from the Glyn Roundabout.

The first our two heroes knew of this, was a Bee-like buzz drifting beneath their helmets followed by the hideous image of a dirty, rusty, smelly, rider and Bantam passing both them and the Sunday driver before going straight over the roundabout and disappearing in the direction of Dolywern.

Once more our heroes took chase and thankfully managed to redeem some of their battered pride by passing the Phantom on the Dolywern straight, reaching the Pheasant just ahead of it.
Honour was regained – but at a cost!

The psychological damage suffered by these riders cannot be underestimated, one (who does not wish to be named) still has the shakes if he hears a Bee and the other has been unable to buy a Beer in the Pheasant since (although some claim this condition existed prior to the trauma).

The final word must go to our nameless hero who is quoted as saying with typical eloquence: -

‘’He’s a f*****g idiot. I’ve never seen anything f*****g like it!
The t**t was bouncing round the bends without slowing down. I’ve never been so f*****g frightened following another bike let alone a b*****d bantam!!!!’’

No further sightings of the Phantom have been reported but rumours are that a certain club member has been seen buying two-stroke oil from Griffiths Tool Hire wearing a cape!

Footnote Footnote.
I have been promised a pic of a suspicious looking Bantam taken outside a local Hostelry – will post on site if or when it comes to me.


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